All of the pictures in this photo are from the WCYC. The menu is dated 3/1/14 as we celebrated many of his birthdays there.
I am so very proud that the WCYC has displayed this burgee for our family. Your fish is excellent, my husband loves your oysters, and we are a little closer to him when we visit because of his burgee. (He passed 6/28/2014.)
Thanks for the memory every time we dine at the WCYC! And as my dad would say:
“Okole Maluna.” which is a Hawaiian toast meaning bottoms up!

We had a blast and Love the WCYC!!

One that really sticks out in my mind, is leaving the hospital after having a total hip replacement, and asking to go straight to the Walnut Creek yacht club. Everyone was astounded, but it was all I could think about. -Hilary Lerner

Ethan Smith from Danville. 10th & 16th birthday.
Loves celebrating and having oysters here at WCYC for his birthday!
We’ve been coming to the Walnut Creek Yacht Club for many years. After our first years of visits, my husband decided he wanted to try some of the red wines from France on your wonderful wine list. So we departed from the traditional pairings of seafood with white wines, tried a red, and have never turned back from being less tied to the old rules of wine/food pairings. I encourage anyone trying to decide whether to order a fine red wine with their fish to be adventurous. Not only have we had some wonderful wines, they complemented the fish perfectly. -Carol Beran

Memories from Ana Recio

For several years, we invited Tom Ngai and Susan Ho to join us for lobster month. They would drive from San Francisco to Walnut Creek, where we discussed trips we had taken together and trips being planned. This picture was taken January 9, 2020. Susan passed on July 2, 2021. We miss her. This picture and dining at WCYC bring back fond memories.
Norman & Rosemary King